International History 1900-1945

The International history between 1900-1945 was remarked by the emergence of various events. Those are the frist world war, the fall of empires of Austro Hungray, China, US prosperity post world war, the raising of new states, the emergence Japan’s industrialization and its hegemony on East Asian, and the world war II. This various events had also generated huge revolution occurred in diverse and range of nations. Especailly for those who engaged and triggered the wars. For example, European had not experienced a major war involving most of its dominant states for century. Except the hundred years wars (1353-1453) between France emperium and British, however 100 years ar didn’t enclose all of (most of) european states.

The consequences of the wrs for certainty was enormous and massive. Enormous refered to caualties caused by wars; while massive meant destruction brought by the widespread of colonials, imperialism and rivalry between states and its colonizations.

Peace settlement had been devised to prevent the wars. For example Treaty of Versailles issued to/ meant to create peacefl settlement in the europe continent. However, Germany regarded the presence of treaty Versailles was to assert “war guilt” upon German’s side. And therefore, that was believed triggered the raise/ birth of Nazism in German Land. Nazi genocid of six million Jews was one of the revenge committed by german Hitler.

The history of 1900-1945 also marked by disintegrations, series of empires were collapsed: Austro-Hungary, Turkey and Russia. China empire fell into civil war that ultimately led to the creaton of republic of china People. The collapse of US economy so called Great Depression remarked by the fall of Wall Street in 1929. Meanwhile, the raise of Nazi, Italy, and Japan had fluorished at the same time. Germany tempted to step out of its-Versaile cage, the italy conducted nationalism and people power based on the strength of Rome enthusiasm, while Japan promoted the spirit in one empire over East and the rest Asian.

My opinion about introduction of internaitonal history between 1900-1945 will be. The former of internatoinal history was dominated by the type international politics formed by the European great powers (Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Austro hungary and Russia). It’s inevitable since those great powers possess concentrations of military power, as well as dominating world trade. Those two factors unquestinably had directly or indirectly created tensions as well as competitions among states/ each other. As years go by, this tension explode the origins of wars, world war I and wrold war II that brought up great impacts the whole nations (colonization) in most of the worlds.


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