
Showing posts from January, 2010

Foreign Policy as A Complex Phenomenon

FOREIGN POLICY: DEFINITIONS Foreign policy can be chategorized into two meaning: decision and action. A COMPLEX PHENOMENON INTRODUCTION As one of the International Relation case of study, foreign policy has many definitions and there isn’t any precise interpretation from this terminology as it opens for multiple meaning and intrepretation. The problem is we must be familiar with one of the characteristic. First, it is conducted to regain national interest to another state. (Holsti, 1987). Regarding foreign policy serves and reflects national interests, we must understand that foreign policy is alao a continuation of domestic policy as Rosenau narrated. Second character of foreign policy is that only a state who remains as a main actor to foreign policy because of its sovereignty thus differentiates from non-actors including non-governemental entities. The literature that has burgeoned on foreign policy since 1960 provides us with the means to understand both the underlying forces which

Evolution and Overviews of Foreign Policys

INTRODUCTION The centre study and analysis of foreign policy in international relation is focused into two, namely, what the matter is will be explained and what will provide explanation in foreign policy analysis. Those matters encircle between human decision maker and decision. They will then explicate the motivation, interest, personalities on their perceptions, beliefs and values as the factors that explain foreign policy decisions (Breuning, 2007: 11). Decisions can be shaped from its evidence left in newspapers and chronologies, this is the term of “events” and data produced by accumulating them are so called “events data”. Thus human decision maker and decision develop into what to be explained and understood in order to analyze foreign policy. What will provide explanation in foreign policy analysis covers factors that influence foreign policy decision making and foreign policy decision makers. Even sometimes several intervening features may be concluded within hallmarks of FPA

The Level of National Attributes and International System: Effects on Foreign Policy

So far we have examined foreign policy through individual level and state level analysis encompass perspectives created by psychological factors, small and large group effects, culture and social discourse and domestics politics. Considering national attributes as important as psychological factors, small and large group and their consequence, we have come to take account to macro level approach to understanding FP. There we shift our perception from FP decision making (at micro level extent) to FP as a whole of macro level analysis. This outlook is simply using more conventional traditions of IR theory occupied by various variables which are fairly stable. The analysis provide another point of views in the course of national attributes in the systemic international nature followed its effects broadly explaining different foreign policy. Regardless the objective to posit how change in these in FP direction but rather than to show how the particular value of these variables leads to pro

Domestic Variables on Foreign Policy

INTRODUCTION In the study of foreign policy analysis, we acknowledge the presence of two level analysis. It suggests that individual decision maker together must satisfy its foreign affairs as well as to satisfy its domestic demands. This key point leads us to the understanding that in analyzing foreign policy, we must look carefully the fundamentals idea building domestic demands. Domestic demands contain chains of mutual elements. Those are included what we assume as a national identity and culture. The very inner of domestic demands rest domestic politic and opposition. Furtther explanation about how these four elements are correlated each other, will be discussed below. Culture and National Identity Valerie provides a vast definitions regarding culture have been issued. However, it’s partially simply important to narrow our mind to the insights built by LeVine. LeVine addresses that culture is the matter of how organized people communicating. Kluckhohn states that culture refers ot

Public Influence and Roles of Media

PUBLIC INFLUENCE AND MEDIA’S ROLE Public influence and media’s role in foreign policy making constitutes a vast range of features as they would be employed to influence. Previously we have talked about the internal factors regarding the decision maker either individual or groups and the entire system thoroughly. The more informations attained the more complete foreign policy become possibly and simply observable. Thus it is necessary then to combine both internal and external features to acquire the full and complete inquiry. However, this study is aimed not far from investigating the formulation and and conduct of foreign policy. A broader scope of external power spring from different sources such as accounts provided by media[1], the mutual and global communications Eytan Gilboa earlier stated[2], public opinion and domestic structure in framing foreign policy[3] in describing foreign policy using a case study, CNN[4] This short essay essentially will address the above features quest

US Congress and the Committee System

To understand the committee system is, in very large part, to understand Congress as a whole. Power of congress is dispersed and scattered in twenty two standing committees in the Hose, fifteen in the Senate, and seven major joint committees (on which members of both the House and Senate it), and further dispersed into a proliferating network of subcommittees (today, well over two hundred) [1] . Each major standing committee enjoys jurisdiction over a particular subject matter (these usually parallel the executive departments: justice, interior, commerce, labor, etc); a sizable professional staff to help it in its work; and a history of general deference from other congressional committees in its area of jurisdiction [2] . The basis of the committee system, then, has traditionally been found in subject matter specialization and in seniority, qualifications which, while understandable in some respects, fragment, decentralize both houses of Congress. The implications of such distribution

Cabinet recruitement Member

THE RECRUITMENT OF CABINET MEMBER In deciding upon a single man rather than a collective executive the founding father ensured that the American cabinet would become a subordinate advisory body to the President rather than the main organ of executive decision making. The constitution does not mention the cabinet by name at all and its existence rests purely on convention. The document merely says that The President may require the advice in writing of the principle officer in its department about their respective duties. Unlike the British cabinet, American departmental secretaries are the president’s subordinate and or not colleges with whom he has work for many years in legislatures. The concepts of responsibility do not exist; cabinet members owe their loyalty to the President individually. Moreover, being a cabinet secretary is not necessarily seen as the pinnacle of a political career as it is in the British system [1] . Appointment of the cabinet The selection of the heads of

International relations: an Introduction

International Relations defined as a branch of political science. It is about dealing and accepting the consequences of the relationship between nations. This term is used to identify all interactions between state-based, actors across, state, boundaries. The term can immediately be compared with, though is broader than, international politics. Indeed, it’s a sub-fields of international relations. The term of International Politics is used to identify those interactions between state, actors across state, boundaries that have a specific political content and character. It is consist of methods and tactics. However, the decisions must to suitable with each nation’s foreign policy. Foreign Policy is the diplomatic policy of a nation in its interaction with the others. It is about the activity whereby state, actors act, react, and interact. In fact, there’s no nation which can survive by itself. That’s why the diplomacy is needed to do. It is the skill to make a deal with somebody else o

Recommended Readings

Adam Watson. 1982. Diplomacy: dialogue between states. London: Routledge Handbook Pub. Bernard Wasserstein. 2008. History of Europe: barbarians and civilization. London: Oxford Press University. Christer Jonsson and Martin Hall. 2005. Essence of Diplomacy. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Marijke Breuning. 2007. Foreign Policy Analysis: A comparative introduction. London: Palgrave Macmillan Valerie Hudson. 2007. Foreign Policy Analysis: Classic and Contemporary theory. New York: Rowman & Littlefield Pub.

Introduction to IR: Nation-states

NATION AND STATES Nation is an aggregation of person of the same ethnic family, often speaking the same language or cognate languages. It’s culturally homogenous group of people, larger than a single tribe or community who share a common language, institution, religion, and historical experience. State is the condition of matter with respect to structure, form, constitution, phase, or the like. State can be used interchangeably with the country. For example: France, Egypt, Germany, Japan, and New Zealand. When nation of people have a State or country of their own, it’s called a nation-state. Nation-state is a sovereign state inhabited by a relatively homogenous group of people who share a feeling of common nationality. In the other hand, state-nation is a sovereign state inhabited by extremely heterogeneous groups of people who share a feeling of common nationality too. Ethnicity is all about to ethnic traits, background, allegiance or association. Ethnic is belonging to or derivin


The history of international relations is often traced back the Peace of Westphalia of 1648, where the modern state system was developed. Westphalia encouraged the rise of the independent nation state, the institutionalization of diplomacy and armies. The contemporary international system was finally established through decolonization during Cold War. However, this somewhat over-simplified. IR AS AN ART International Relations as an art occur when a nation make a relationship with the other nations. For instance when a nations decide to work together in trading or military with the others. One of the most significant problems in work on the history of IR is that these histories have failed to address question, how one should write the history of IR in the field? Describing the history of IR as if a complete consensus existed on the essential dimension of the field’s evolution is not easy at all, the absence of any significant controversy concern “how the field has developed” must be

National Interest

National interest is a county’s goal and ambitions ether economic, military or culture. National interest of a state is multifaceted. Primary is the state’s survival and security. Also important is the pursuit of wealth and economic growth and power. Many states, especially in modern times, regard the preservation of the nation’s culture as of great importance. Some claim that Morgenthau is the founder of international relations as an independent discipline. Before him, it was studied under history, political thought or international law. The more interesting side of him is function as a witness to his time. DEFINITION AND ANALYSIS OF THE NATIONAL INTEREST In Defense of the National Interest (1951) he contended that moral principles must be linked with national interest and called for a reconsideration of the approach of the founding fathers. General moral principles must be filtered through the national interest if an effective political morality is to be attained, he argued. Upo

National Power

THE CONCEPT The concept power in international relations can be described as the degree of sources, capabilities, and influences in the international affairs. It is often divided up into the concept of hard power and soft power. 1. Hard Power It refers to coercive tactics the threat or use of armed forces, economic pressure or sanction association and subterfuge, or other forms of intimidation. Hard power is generally associated to the stronger of nations, as the ability of other nations through military threats. 2. Soft Power Instruments of soft power include debates on cultural values, dialogues on ideology, the attempt to influence through good example, and the appeal to commonly accepted human values. Means of exercising soft power include diplomacy, dissemination of information, analysis, propaganda, and cultural programming to achieve political ends. CATAGORIES OF POWER Modern discourse generally speaks in term of state power, indicating both economic and military power, i